SNSD's Yoona, "Yuri Sleeps During Movies"

In the recent recording of SBS 'Intimate Note' which is to be aired on the 28th, Yoona stated, "I watched a movie called 'Mother' with Yuri. But she fell asleep ten minutes into the movie and woke up ten minutes before it ended."
Yoona continued, "A few days later at an interview, Yuri said her favorite movie is 'Mother.' We watched another movie together again, but Yuri fell asleep during that one as well. When the rest of us laughed at a funny scene, Yuri would immediately wake up and start laughing with us."
SNSD's honest and quick-witted testimonies will be aired on August 28th at 9:55PM.
SNSD's Seohyun, "Does Not Like Men?"
SNSD members disclosed personal information about Seohyun without hesitation.In the recent recording of SBS 'Intimate Note' which is to be aired on the 28th, SNSD members agreed unanimously that Seohyun is like a "greenhouse flower" and continued to talk about her.
Taeyeon stated, "Seohyun does not like men. At her age, she should be interested and curious about that sort of stuff but she really isn't and that worries me." Sooyoung continued, "Seohyun is thoroughly self-managed. Even if our schedule is supposed to end at 3:00AM, she insists that she has to go to sleep by midnight to take good care of her skin."
Sooyoung continued, "At first I thought Seohyun was only joking. But she really does go to bed by herself at midnight." Hyoyeon also spoke about Seohyun's studious habits, "Seohyun sets her alarm clock to 7:00AM and wakes up to it every morning. She wakes up at that time to read books while the others are still sleeping."
SNSD's honest and quick-witted testimonies will be aired on August 28th at 9:55PM.
SNSD's Seohyun, "Sunny Should Stop Acting Cute"
SNSD's Seohyun stated that Sunny needs to stop acting cute.In the recent broadcasting of SBS 'Intimate Note' which is to be aired on the 28th, Sunny stated, "Many people think Sunny is the youngest member in the group because she tries to act cute all the time," and "I wish she would stop trying to act cute all the time."
Sunny replied, "Whenever Seohyun sees me eating fast food, she would approach me and tell me that I will die very quickly if I continue eating fast food," and laughed, "Well let's see how long Seohyun lives."
SNSD's honest and quick-witted testimonies will be aired on August 28th at 9:55PM.
Reporter: Lee Mihye,
Source: Newsen
Translation: Glucose
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