This is the better quality clip for Goobne Chicken CF,hope that you will like it!
[CF] Goobne Chicken 15sec TP
Saturday, May 2, 2009
[090501] YTN Star News - Puma 2009 Fashion Show ( Tiffany)
Wow,tiffany si so georgeous here,you should watch the clip be yourself!
Credit : Snsdchina + Soshified
[090502] MBC Music Core - MC Cut (Tiffany & Yuri)
They are improving from 1 episode to another...GOOD JOB!
Cedits: Private | Soshified
2PM - Again & Again (Dance Version)
Want to learn some cool dance steps?then you should watch this video!
[090501] Nursery Day Promotion - Tae Yeon
Tae yeon is very cute here,haha!
Credits : 하찮은꼬꼬마 + Soshified
[Full show][25.04.09] MBC Music Core
Friday, May 1, 2009
It has been a while since i posted up a full show here...Lets see how yuri and tiffany perform in this episode of Music Core!
Credit: CB | soshivn
[04.30.09] Popular group SNSD Shows different Image in a Diary, If you order SoShiDah Set, you get a diary!
I really hope that i am a korean or i can go to korea very soon after reading this article!
Goobne Chicken, which cooks their chicken in an oven, will be having a promotional event to celebrate the month of May.
If one orders "SoShiDah Set" from Goobne chicken ( starting May 1st will receive an SNSD Diary with new pictures.
Most of the franchise stores has tried to give out posters and bromides as an event. But there never has been any event that gave out items that are usable in real life such as a diary. And this even is getting more attentions since it features the nine members of SNSD.
The "SoShiDah Set" is 15 dollars. It has 2 dollars added to the original chicken price, which was 13 dollars.
Goobne Chicken's Marketing Department manager Park Jongmin said "The diary contains images of SNSD that has not been seen before and we already ordered 300,000 copies of the diary. We expect this event to have just about as much popularity, if not more, than the event we did last year with the calendars."
So yea, if anyone is going to Korea, don't forget to visit GOOBNE CHICKEN and get your copy of the diary!
Translated by:
[05.01.09] SNSD, "We want to continue our Gee storm with Gyunggi Boat Show"
"Hello. We are SNSD!"
9-member girl group 'SNSD' who had previously shook Korea with their 'Gee' storm became promotion representatives for 'Kyunggi International Boat Show & Korea Match Cup.' On the 29th in Kyunggido, they said that "we are honored to be the promotion representatives" and that "we will try our hardest to make Kyunggido and SNSD both be loved."
That day, Sooyoung said, "We heard that Kyunggido will be trying to become the center of boat businesses. We, SNSD, also have a dream of becoming Asia's center of attention. We will try our hardest to let everyone know about Kyunggi Gookjae Boat Show."
Another member, Taeyeon, said, "It feels good to know that there will be a boat show. I will try my best to be active as a promotion representative. Please show us a lot of love."
Besides Sooyoung and Taeyeon, Seohyun, Hyoyeon, Tiffany, Jessica, Sunny, and Yuri also attended in a total of 8 girls. Yoona, who has the nickname of 'Saebyuk' through 'YAMD' could not attend because of drama filming.
Not only that, but a certificate of being promotion representatives, pottery, etc. were presented to SNSD. Kim Moonsoo and Choi Younggeun, representatives of 'Kyunggi International Boat Show,' had a time of learning the Gee dance from SNSD as well.
Translations credits to daisy kim @ Soshified;newssetid=470
2PM - Again & Again (Music Core 2009-04-25)
Keep listening to this song again and again....They did well with their comeback!
MF:001 002
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Please note that start from tomorrow Girls' Generation Fansite will open a post for visitors to wish our 'aegyo queen'...sunny happy birthday...I know that there are still more than 2 weeks before sunny's birthday arrives,but in order to collect more wishes things have to be done earlier,so i hope that you will support Girls' Generation together!
[04.29.09] SNSD to hold fanmeeting for the first time in 1 year and 9 months
SNSD will be having the first official fanmeeting for the first time ever since they debuted a year and 9 months ago.
SNSD said through their official homepage on the 30th that they would be opening registrations for their fanmeeting. Currently they are receiving registrations by SONEs through their homepage.
SNSD said through a video message, "It's been a very long time since we've officially greeted you ever since our 'Gee' activities ended" and that "We were so, so happy during our 3 months of 'Gee' activities. We worked very hard and happily in our activities because fans gave us so much support and love."
They also said, "We are currently doing separate activities. There are girls who are MCs, and it's unfortunate that Yoona isn't here but she's filming her drama. Please give a lot of love to 'Cinderella Man.'"
They continued with, "Another reason why we are greeting you is to invite you to our official fanmeeting," and added "I think there wouldn't be better news than this for fans who have been waiting for the first official fanmeeting. We were also very delighted at this news. We are so happy to meet our fans in person."
SNSD also said, "We are working hard on our next album. We will prepare a good performance and show you many things."
Translations credits to daisy kim @ Soshified;newssetid=83
SNSD, Taking Over MBC! 'Moving freely through Variety-Drama-Radio'
SNSD has completely taken over MBC.
SNSD, who made a comeback with their song 'Gee' after a 9 months absence from the music scene, had their official promotions from last January till their last performance on March 29th on SBS 'Inkigayo', setting an extraordinary record by winning nine times consecutively on KBS 2TV's 'Music Bank', and had immediate popularity with their 'Gee syndrome'.
But even though SNSD's official promotions have ended, they are still busy as ever. As one of them has the leading role in MBC's drama and others are being entrusted as MC in variety programs, they are starting yet another 'SNSD Boom'. Just counting the MBC programs they are featured in, SNSD is appearing in at least five different ones.
To start, Yoona's MBC Wednesday-Thursday drama 'Cinderella Man' is taking the role of aspirant designer Seo Yoojin. Moreover Tiffany and Yuri are holding the MC positions on 'Show! Music Core', while Sooyoung, together with Kim Jaedong and Announcer Oh Sangjin, is scheduled to appear on 'Fantastic Duo'.
That's not all. All members of SNSD were chosen as the MCs of the new corner in MBC's senior variety block 'Sunday Sunday Night', 'Horror Film Factory'. What's more is that Taeyeon is being entrusted as DJ for MBC FM4U's 'Taeyeon Best Friends'.
Moreover, SNSD members are busy day by day with their individual activitives. Until just recently, Taeyeon was appearing with Jung Hyungdon as a fake married couple in 'We Got Married', Tiffany released her solo single 'By Myself', and maknae Seohyun sang a trot song, 'JjaRaJaJja', with Joo Hyunmi.
The question is, why SNSD? "For starters there's a lot of interest in SNSD by the public, and in addition, after monitoring over SNSD performances in programs we noticed their remarkable flair for variety programs and talk shows," a representative of MBC's variety area said, appraising SNSD's potential highly.
It will be interesting to see if the 'SNSD Effect' will have an influence strong enough to lift and shock MBC's variety and drama areas.
Source: NewsEn
[090429] YTN Star News - Cinderella Man Cast Interview (YoonA)
Yoona did really well in Cinderella Man,lets see what she talked about rhe drama!
Credits : Shinigami + Soshified
[NEWS][090429] YTN Star News - Interview Banana Milk CF Shoot (SNSD)
Let Girls generation tell you about what happened behind the banana milk cf!
MF:001 002
Credits: Shinigami | Soshified
[04.29.09] "Cinderella Man" Yoona, "I've Never Had Real Love Before"
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Yoona unni,you already had so much love from your fans all over the world...
[MyDaily employee Yang Jiwon reporter] On the Wednesday, Thursday drama "Cinderella Man", Yoona plays the part of Suh Yoojin and has said she has never had real love before.
On the 28th, Yoona had an interview on the set of "Cinderella Man". She said, "I've liked someone before, but I've never had that feeling of 'Oh, this is love' before".
During the drama, Yoona's character, the bold Suh Yoojin who is studying fashion design in France, is forced to work under Daesan. She and Daesan become a team and they sell clothing at Dongdaemoon. She is acting quite a charming role.
Even with the 14-year age difference between Kwon Sangwoo and Yoona, Yoona reveals, "I don't feel the age difference at all" and with laughter, she says, "On the set, he takes good care of me."
This is Yoona's first mini-series project. Her previous project was "You Are My Destiny", where she played Saebyuk and worked hard and questions her concern of "This has been a part of my worries". She honestly said, "I'm trying to completely change myself into Yoojin, and as I'm acting, I think 'Oh~We're kind of similar'".
On the other hand, on May 3rd, Yoona will also be starring in the "MBC Sunday Night - Horror Film Factory". It is a new corner where the SNSD members are planning to give a shot at acting.
She said, "Ever since we've been trainees, my members and I have all had acting classes so we are slowly preparing" and "I don't think I can do anything (for them). Everybody is so talented...I will also be making appearances in the 'Horror Film Factory'", she revealed.
On this day, Yoona was wearing eye-catching white sandals and her sweet atmosphere made her look even more neat and simple. Beside Yoona was Kwon Sangwoo, who said, "Around the 7th~8th episode, Yoona started to play with her hair more". He explained his anticipation by saying, "I think Yoona will be changing her image soon."
Credits to MyDaily and
SNSD Funny Moment #8 - Kisses of Love
Want a kiss from yuri and tae yeon....Yes,you can have it,haha!
[04.29.09] Inside SNSD members' bags..., Closer look at Yuri, Sooyoung, and Sunny's bags
The group that makes anyone that thinks about them smile, SNSD. Sports Korea looked through the members' bags. All the bags contained similar items.
Things like an mp3 player, to lighten the day and relieve the stress from their schedules were in the bags. "Smile angel" Yuri was looking after her health by adding in a cute vitamin pill case, and "Cutie" Sunny's bag was filled with pink items. Sooyoung had a diary that was old and worn out. Let's look closer at their bags.
>Yuri = Clean and Simple "Smile Angel"
Yuri's bag was surprisingly simple. It showed her clean personality. It showed how she likes things clean by only containing things that are of absolute necessity. The bag is a leather bag from "M" company and is black with a gold pattern.
"I got this bag last year and have been using it since. It is casual but it can match almost any outfit. The pouch, by "B" company and has small things like lip gloss and powder, was used for two years." She said "Whenever I look at the character that is stuck on the bag, I laugh" and poked the little doll.
Yuri is currently re-reading a book called
Her "L" company's hand and body lotion, contained within a cute light-purple case, is one of her favorite items. Her Mickey and Minnie Mouse Pens and Polaroid pictures that members took were also eye-catching. Even her toothbrush and toothpaste shows us how clean and organized she is.
>Sooyoung = Stylish "Witty Girl"
Sooyoung is deemed the most stylish amongst SNSD. She looks good in any clothing because of her tall and slim body. She looks even better with her "M" company black shoulder bag. It looks high class and is big enough to contain many items at once.
She feels nervous whenever she doesn't have her "I" company's MP3 player. Her small and cute pouch shows that even in picking small items, she is very careful in her decisions. It is from "B" company, the same as that of Yuri. Her diary, bought in Japan, has been used for three years. "If I like it, I use the item for a long time" she explained.
"L" company's perfume and "Q" company's chapstick, as well as "P" company's hand sanitizer shows that she likes to keep things clean and smelling fresh. Ekuni Kaori's
>Sunny = Materialistic "Cutie"
Sunny gets a lot of love from fans because of her aegyo. Her bag reflects this image of her. Her bag was filled with pink. "J" company's bag had a pink ribbon as its decoration. Cute pink bear pouch has been used for 2 years after the purchase in Japan. Her hand mirror is also hot pink. The most interesting item was "B" company's body cream.
She puts on the body cream everytime she feels that her skin feels dehydrated. This gift from a Japanese fan is her must-take whenever she leaves the house. A pair of glasses, used when she has no make up on, were next to the book
>>Yuri's bag
Black bag with gold pattern (M company), Character pouch (B company), Talmud (Book), Pink vitamin case, Hand and body lotion (L company), Diary (notepad), Mickey mouse pen, Polaroid pictures, Toothbrush, Toothpaste.
>>Sooyoung's bag
Black shoulder bag (M company) BoA's US album, MP3 player (I company), Pouch (B company), Twinkle Twinkle (Book), Diary (notepad), Perfume (L company), Hand sanitizer (P company), Chapstick (Q company).
>>Sunny's bag
Bag with pink accessories (J company), Pink bear pouch, Dewey (book), MP3 player (I company), Pink mirror, Body cream (B company), Hand lotion (M company), Glasses, Lipstick (M company).
Translated by:
[090427] Goobne Diary CF Long Version - Making Film (SNSD)
Lets see the scene behind Goobne Chicken CF....
Credits : 애교눈빛팊 + Soshified
[CF][090428] Banana Milk CF (60s) - SNSD
This is another version of Banana Milk Cf,hope that you will like it!
Credit : Snsdchina + Soshified
SNSD Funny Moment #7 - Ulljjang Angle
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Wow,yuri is teaching you how to make a killer smile,you should learn it,it might be useful someday!
[CLIP][090428] Making Gubne diary CF - SNSD
credit: 애교눈빛팊 + soshified
[CF][090428] Goobne Chicken Viral CF (1:12s) Watch here + Download
The latest cf of girls generation,please leave some comments after watching it,thanks!
Credit: snsdchina + soshified
(DISCUSSIONS)'Gee Storm, Once More!'... SNSD, Comeback in the Latter Half of the Year
Monday, April 27, 2009
Let's have some discussions together on this topic,Girls Generation true fans must not miss this chance to express your opinion on Girls Generation next comeback,am i right?
Group SNSD will make a comeback in the latter half of this year.
For the past 3 months, SNSD finished their first mini album activities and are now planning to continue the 'Gee' syndrome in their comeback in the latter half of the year.
A participant from SNSD's company SM Entertainment said, "SNSD is expected to make one more comeback within the year" and "But the specific comeback time has not been planned".
With 'Gee', SNSD set a record winning 1st place on KBS 2TV's 'Music Bank' for 9 consecutive weeks and in addition to sweeping up music charts and album sales, they have become conspicuous figures. With Shin Bongsun, the 'Infinity Challenge' team, and many other celebrities' 'Gee' parodies, they have risen the syndrome and experienced the most popularity since their debut.
But the truth was SNSD ending activities without a following song (from the mini album), made the fans' have a huge lacking feeling. It seems this comeback for SNSD will solve the thirst of fans who are anticipating for their lively music as a great gift.
Meanwhile finishing group activities in March, Yoona is shooting MBC drama 'Cinderella Man' with Kwon Sangwoo, Tiffany and Yuri are MCing 'Show! Music Core' and doing their own active unit activities.
And SNSD will join in MBC 'Sunday Sunday Night''s new corner, which will air from the coming May 3rd, 'Horror Movie Production' and are planning to show a new image to the fans.
The corner's concept is for each episode, 'Horror Movie Production' will bring in a special acting teacher, take on new methods of acting training and test their quality and within the SNSD members they will choose the best Horror Queen and challenge shooting a horror movie.
[07.06.08] SBS Dream Concert - SNSD - Girls' Generation
Let us appreciate some of their old performances!
SNSD Funny Moment #6 - Acting Test
After all, i still think that dancing suits yuri more as she really cant act well...What do you think?
[Perf] [14.02.09] KBS Peppermint HD SNSD cut
They performed during valentine's day,those fans were very lucky to see them performing on that meaningful day !
MF:001 002
Credits: snsdchina + soshified+soshivn
SNSD Funny Moment #5 - Yoona & Helium
Sunday, April 26, 2009
In this episode of SNSD funny moment yoona sings into the new world in a very weird voice....haha,it makes me laugh everytime i watch this video...
Jjalajjaja MV
Since Yuri is so hot nowadays,let me show you the cute side of yuri..
Cre : sosiz|
[HQ] SNSD - T.O.P. SBS Inkigayo Ep.500(080907)
This is one of my favourite performance from them but unfortunately yoona is missing,u should not miss this one!
[090424] A-Solution Photoshoot BTS (Tiffany & Tae Yeon)
Credit : Sosiz+ Soshified
JeTiHyun - Mabinogi MV (It's Fantastic!)
I think many people dont know about this song..It is a song presented by jessica ,tiffanny and seo hyun but tiffany is the only one in the MV,hope that u will like this MV!