090820.SNSD.Gallery.Elle Girl Photoshot
Thursday, August 20, 2009
An adorable, doll-like display of SNSD has been revealed.
The current issue of 'Elle Girl' fashion magazine displayed a grandeur transformation of the nine members of SNSD dressed up in bunny girl, classic Barbie doll and funky party girl costumes.
Notably, this particular photo shoot included designs by renowned illustrators such as Kim Ahram, Cocomi, Lua and Cheon Eunhye, and has attracted much popularity for the 'SNSD illustrated T-shirt' design.
The September issue of 'Elle Girl' will include not only SNSD’s unique transformation, but also a behind-the-scene story of the photo shoot and a brief conversation about 'Girlish.'
Reporter: Kim Unlim@mk.co.kr
Source: mk.co.kr
Translation: Glucose
090815.SNSD.Video Download.KJE Chocolate Full
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Jazz Gee, Rock Gee, SNSD Dance, SNSD Tears etc......All in one in this KJE's Chocolate video :)
Prepare your 'tissue' if you want to cry when watching this video...^^
Download Media Fire :
001 | 002 | 003 | 004
NOTE:After finished download all parts, you must join all of these file parts with HJSPLIT or other Spliter
090817.SNSD.Video Download.HollabackGirl,MyLove,4MyPeople,Laarbasses @KJE Chocolate
Monday, August 17, 2009
Download Hollaback Girl : MFDownload MyLove,4MyPeople,Laarbasses : MF
090817.SNSD.MP3.HollabackGirl @KJE Chocolate.Sunny,Yuri,Yoona,Jes
Download MF
090816.SNSD.News.SNSD's 'Sexy' vs. 'Power' Dance Battle, a 'Hot Performance'
Sunday, August 16, 2009
SNSD performed a special dance battle on stage.
In the recording of SBS 'Kim Jungeun's Chocolate', which is to be aired on August 15th, SNSD surprised the audience with a series of never-before-seen hot dance performance.
SNSD members were divided into two teams for the dance battle: The 'Sexy' team (Taeyeon, Sooyoung, Tiffany and Seohyeon) versus the 'Powerful' team (Yoona, Jessica, Yuri and Sunny).
On this day, SNSD members discarded their 'pure and innocent' look and dominated the stage with charismatic performances of 'Womanizer' by Britney Spears and 'Hollaback Girl' by Gwen Stefani.
Furthermore, SNSD's dance queen Hyoyeon performed an impressive and powerful dance solo on stage. All nine members joined as a group to conclude the dance battle with a sexy and powerful performance, illustrating an example of South Korea's best female group performance.
Translation: Glucose
Reporter: Lee Mihye, macondo@newsen.com
Source: newsen