This is the latest mv of son dambi,she really improved a lot!
Son Dambi Saturday Night MV
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Son Dam Bi - Saturday Night (Inkigayo 2009-04-05)
Nice song,hope you enjoy it....
MF:001 002
[CLIP][010.04.09] MBC Section TV - Cindrella Man Cast Interview
[CLIP][10.04.09] KBS2 Music Bank K-Chart - By Myself #10 (Tiffany)
Hpe that she will perform live there soon...
Credits: 윤아조아윤 | Soshified | Soshivn
Discussions for SNSD lovers...Show your love!
Friday, April 10, 2009
Picture above shows the 9 trophies won by them for 9 consecutive wins in music bank....There is an article below mentioning about what they are doing now and their future...The one with the best comment will have his or her comment posted on the main post next Friday to show appreciation to him or her....
It’s SNSD’s management.
Last week, SNSD finished the last official Gee Mini Album promotions~
Because of all of your love and support, it was a very happy time~ ^^
I think the reason why SNSD’s Gee had so much good response for about 3 months was because of fans like you and your love~ (If it weren’t for the fans, it would have been impossible ~ T_T)
We sincerely thank you again to all the fans who showed such generous support~~^^
So~! We are presenting a message and picture to remember all the times that were made while finishing up the Gee Mini Album activities~! Tada~
(Actually… the SNSD members took these pictures to remember their activities.
The members were embarrassed to share their pictures with everyone, but they are revealing it just so they can share their memories with all the fans^^ hehe)
veryone who were so dedicated on supporting SNSD for the past while~
Especially all the fans who waited out in the cold to attend a music program…
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts~ (^^)(__)
The members of SNSD are planning on showing you a better image individually in their own areas~
We will work hard preparing for the next album, so please look forward to it~
We trust that you will support SNSD in the future!!
I will come back another time with more good news~~^0^
Right now it’s Girls’ Generation! In the future it’s Girls’ Generation! Forever SNSD!
Source: Sosiz.Net
Super Junior - Sorry Sorry (Music Core 2009-04-04)
Star Golden Bell EP 224 - SNSD [02.14.09]
Although this episode is quite old but it is worthwhile to watch it all over again!
[CF][090409] Miero CF2 - SNSD
This is the second version,which 1 do you think is better?
Credit : soshified + soshivn
Son Dam Bi - Saturday Night (Music Core 2009-04-04)
A great performance by her....
MF:001 002
[CF][090409] Miero CF - SNSD
They are so cute in this cf,do you agree?
Credit : soshified + soshivn
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Does anyone know how to change the colour of label cloud?I am pretty headache as i can't find a solution for the problem i am facing right now,so i really need your help...
Read More......[08.04.09] MBC Chin Chin Radio - Tae Yeon
MF:001 002
Credits: 멍집합 | Soshified| Soshivn
First chin chin radio link posted here ,hope u like it....
[News][06.04.09] SBS News - YoonA cut
Yoona unni is so cute....
Credits: Soshified, YoonA China, Soshivn
[08.04.09] SBS Midnight TV Entertainment - Miero CF BTS & Baseball Event (SNSD)
Credit : 멍집합 | Soshified + soshivn
KARA - Honey (Music Core 2009-04-04)
They look adorable with this outfit,haha...
MF:001 002
Bae Seul Gi - Tiresome (Music Bank 2009-04-03)
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Too hot for me...Temperature raised watching her performing,haha!!!
MF:001 002
I need your help....
I am pretty glad that my blog has been included in the SNSD toplist but its ranking is quite low,so i need your help to improve the status of this blog...(Just simply click on the button which is written "snsd toplist" on the right to vote),thanks very much....
Read More......09.04.01 Arirang Pops In Seoul - SORRY SORRY MV Making (Eng subs)
The making of sorry sorry MV,hope that u will like it...
credit to
[Full show][03.04.09] KBS Music Bank
Another full show....
[News][06.04.09] Flower & Baseball Event - SNSD
They are quite free nowadays,so they have time to relax and participate in other activities...
MF:001 002
Credit : soshified + soshivn
2PM - 10-10 Points MV
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Long time dint hear bout them...Wonder what are they doing rite now...
[06.04.09]K.Will's Dropping The Tears - SNSD Message
Credit : soshified + soshivn
SNSD Girls' Generation MV
One of their MV of their previous album,hope u like it!
Breaking 5000 hits....
Monday, April 6, 2009
Thanks for all your support..Finally broke 5000 hits,hope that you will always be with me for the next 10000,20000 or even more hits,thanks!
Read More......Big Bang & 2NE1 - Lollipop MV
First big bang link here,hope u like it....
[Full show][05.04.09] SBS Inkigayo
Third full show here.....Is it necessary to have full show link here,any demand?
Credit: ssf | soshivn
Sunday, April 5, 2009
K-pop Generation has been established for more than two weeks....Thanks for those who have visited and yet to visit this blog,your visit is my honour while your comments are my supports...감사합니다
Read More......[090405] SBS Yuri & Seohyun opening a baseball game at Jamsil Stadium
090313 KBS Music Bank - SNSD - Gee
MF:001 002
Wonder Girls Now MV
So hee looks very hot in this MV....Long time dint hear bout them,nice to see them back with this very popular song of Fin KL....
Wonder Girls - Now MV.avi
Have any opinion or anything to say...Shocked right?
[Perf][04.04.09] MBC Music Core - Come To Play, MC Cuts, Advertisement, & Dropping The Tears (Tiffany & Yuri)
MU:001 002
Credit : soshified + soshivn
How was their performance?