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[Streaming] 090627 Girls' Generation "Tell me your wish,Etude and MC cut" on Music Core

Saturday, June 27, 2009

What do you think of their performance today,any comment???

Tell Me Your Wish


MC Cut

[Download] 090626 KBS2 Music Bank - Oh My Love, K-Chart, Gee, Tell Me Your Wish (Genie), & #1

These are the download links for Girls' Generation first Genie comeback on Music Bank,tell me if the links have problems,thanks!!!

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[Pictures] Girls' Generation "Genie" Photos!

Friday, June 26, 2009

This is the new set of the Girls' photos,please click on the post for more!!!

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Girls' Generation #1 @ Music Bank

They managed to beat Super Junior with..not Genie but "Gee",wow girls,i am so proud as your fans!!

090626 Girls' Generation (SNSD) Genie

First comeback performance for "Genie",so what do you think??Give some comments to show your love..

[Streaming]090626 Girls' Generation (SNSD) Jessica,Tiffany,Seo Hyun @ Music Bank

They sing really well,leave some comments if you like their performance!!!

Genie mp3 listen and download

Monday, June 22, 2009

Dear fans..Finally it's out,there is a link here to download their latest MP3 Genie,please remember to leave us a comment,thanks!!


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